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Ekodoku Blog


14 May 2024

Cooperativism is a business model based on principles of solidarity and collaboration. One of the most crucial elements behind the success of this model is strong networks. Today, we want to talk about the importance of networks in cooperativism and how we establish and develop these networks in our cooperative.

Fundamental Principles of Cooperatives and Networks

Cooperatives are democratic organizations where members voluntarily come together to meet their economic, social, and cultural needs and desires. The importance of networks in cooperativism is shaped by these fundamental principles:

1. Solidarity and Unity

Cooperatives foster a strong sense of solidarity and unity among their members. Well-established networks form the foundation of this feeling. Sharing information, resources, and experiences among members enhances the success of the cooperative.

2. Economic Strength and Sustainability

Networks increase the economic strength and sustainability of cooperatives. Cooperatives that act together enhance their bargaining power, reduce costs, and use resources more efficiently. Additionally, networks facilitate innovative solutions and collaborations.

3. Knowledge and Experience Sharing

Networks established among cooperatives encourage the sharing of knowledge and experience. This allows each cooperative to improve its operations by learning from the experiences and knowledge of others. This sharing can occur at both local and international levels.

Establishing and Developing Networks in Our Cooperative

In our cooperative, we place great importance on actively participating in and developing networks. We implement various strategies and practices to achieve this:

1. Information Seminars

We organize meetings and seminars with our partners and stakeholders. These events provide opportunities to enhance knowledge and skills, while also fostering stronger connections among us.

2. Digital Platforms and Communication Channels

We strengthen communication through digital platforms and communication channels. Online forums, email groups, and social media networks enable our EkoDoku family to quickly access current information and share their experiences.

3. Local and International Collaborations

We expand our networks by collaborating with local and international cooperatives. Through these collaborations, we integrate knowledge and innovations from different regions and sectors into our cooperative. We also aim to undertake larger projects on an international level.

4. Joint Projects and Initiatives

We encourage joint projects and initiatives with our stakeholders. These projects enhance the ability of our stakeholders to work together and develop creative solutions, while also increasing the overall success of the cooperative. Joint projects also strengthen the spirit of solidarity within the cooperative.


The importance of networks in cooperativism is critical in terms of solidarity, sustainability, and development. In our cooperative, we implement various strategies and practices to establish and develop these networks. By being a part of our cooperative, you can benefit from these strong networks and together, we can build a more sustainable, innovative, and solidarity-filled future.

If you have any questions or contributions, please share them with us in the comments section. Together, let's create a stronger cooperative network.

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